Estate Planning, Gift Management, and More
Here are the Louisiana Baptist Foundation facts. It was chartered in 1944 as a non-profit agency of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. We strive to assist individuals who wish to sustain Baptist churches and ministries into the future through gifts of financial assets. These ministries, supported by gifts from our donors, impact children through senior adults. They help share the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the local church to mission points around the world.
The Foundation is governed by a board of twelve trustees elected by the Convention and two ex-officio trustees who are Convention officers. Approximately one-fourth of the Foundation’s operational funding comes from Baptist congregations through the Cooperative Program.

Encouraging Estate Stewardship
Foundation representatives seek to raise the awareness of Louisiana Baptists concerning estate stewardship through pulpit, seminar, and individual consultations.

Estate Stewardship Planning
The Foundation assists Louisiana Baptists in developing estate and giving plans. These plans consider their personal needs as well as their desire to provide for their loved ones and Christian ministries.

Gift Management and Administration
When the Foundation receives a gift, the proceeds are distributed in one of two ways. They can go directly to the beneficiary chosen by the donor. Otherwise the principal is invested to produce both growth of the initial gift and a perpetual income for the beneficiary. The terms of distribution are determined by the donor in accordance with Foundation policies.

Fund Administration for Churches and Agencies
The Foundation provides investment management and administrative services for institutions and agencies of the Louisiana and Southern Baptist Conventions. Also included are churches cooperating with the Louisiana Baptist Convention. Investment management is provided in a manner consistent with Baptist beliefs and principles.