ChurchBiz Publications is a collection of documents originally created and published by the Louisiana Baptist Foundation to assist churches in advancing the Kingdom. One dollar at a time. One ministry at a time. One life at a time.

FAQ: The Louisiana Baptist Foundation
Do you have questions about the Foundation and how we can serve you? This publication is for you!
Special Gifts to Benefit Your Church
The Louisiana Baptist Foundation offers several different giving options to help your church members advance the Kingdom.
Church Financial Health Assessment
This assessment has been created to help you determine the health of your church’s financial status.
Best Practices for Church Endowments
Learn what practices are beneficial in establishing, growing, and managing your church’s endowments.
Investment Guide for Churches
This guide is intended to assist churches in being good stewards of funds to help advance the Kingdom.
Promoting Online Giving in Your Church
Learn five different ways that you can increase online giving through your church.
Short Term Fund Summary
The Louisiana Baptist Foundation offers a high interest rate fund for cash reserves and/or designated accounts, which is essentially a savings account for churches.
Long-Term Financial Stability for Churches
This publication offers important information on starting a ministry endowment that will maximize church funds for the future, therefore impacting the ministry and the Kingdom.
Investing With Your Church's Values
Discover the importance of Biblical screening to ensure your investments reflect your church’s values.
Increasing Monetary Funds Through Online Giving
Did you know that online giving has been proven to increase monetary donations? Learn how the Foundation can help you set up an online giving platform and grow your church’s funds today.
Critical Mission: Leading and Stewarding for a Ministry's Future
Establishing a gift planning program may seem like an overwhelming task, but it is a crucial step in growing a ministry. Learn more about how the Foundation can help guide you through this process.
Leveraging and Maximizing Ministry Relationships
Ministries that work together generate exponential efficiencies for greater Kingdom impact. Read more about how to create and sustain ministry partnerships that will achieve more for the Kingdom.
Basic Principles for a Fundraising Emphasis
Learn more about how to create efficient fundraising campaign materials that will help your ministry advance the Kingdom.